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Ken Loach: ‘Charity or Justice’

29th November 2017 | View Transcript

“The award-winning film and TV director, Ken Loach, whose work over 50 years from Cathy Come Home to I, Daniel Blake has consistently explored questions of social justice, gave the 16th Longford Lecture on Wednesday November 29, 2017 at Church House Westminster.  His lecture, entitled ‘Charity or Justice’, drew a capacity audience to Church House, Westminster, was chaired by the journalist, Jon Snow, and was broadcast simultaneously for the first time on National Prison Radio. To read a transcript of Ken Loach’s lecture, click on the link above. To watch edited highlights of the lecture, focussing on the sections where Ken Loach talks about youth justice and prisons, click on our Frank Talk version above.  Or, to listen to the whole Longford Lecture event from start to finish, follow this link.



The Longford trustees invite a range of speakers to give the annual Longford Lecture and aim to strike a balance year-on-year so as to reflect a broad spectrum of experience. Each speaker agrees to take questions from the audience at the end of delivering their lecture so that the points they have made can be tested. The opinions that individual lecturers put forward do not represent the views of the Longford Trust. Our purpose is to promote discussion and debate.